Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Some Thoughts on Tarot

First of all, I use the term “Tarot” to signify the use of any deck of cards as a tool to connect with the Higher Octaves for self-awareness training. I had my first tarot card reading about 18 years ago, and have been consulting the cards, through different vehicles, every since. I love using cards to help me gain a better perspective on my mOMent. My personal favorites include:

The Mayan Oracle: The Return Path to the Stars by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner

Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams & David Carson

The Faeries’ Oracle
by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth

Rider-Waite Tarot
by Arthur Edward Waite

I use these decks for different purposes, and often combine them for larger perspective readings. If I do this, I will usually do a 12-card spread with all four decks. The three columns across represent: Past, Present and Future. The four rows down (from top to bottom) represent the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical energies working in my world: I use the Mayan Oracle to communicate the Spiritual Energy, Medicine Cards to communicate the Mental Energy, The Faeries’ Oracle to communicate the Emotional Energy and the Rider-Waite Tarot to communicate the Physical Energies.

I know some Readers advise against reading for the self, but I believe that if you can be unattached and open to the answer, you can read for yourself. If you’re in a “mood”, DON’T DO IT! You’ll only be wasting you’re time. Believe me, I’ve given myself enough readings to know when my Energy is influencing the cards for an outcome. For example, if “I know I’ll pull the whale card” which is the Record Keeper, and I do, I probably already I know I have a record keeping issue, and just feel like torturing myself for kicks;)

As for getting readings from Randoms, I say: FOLLOW YOUR INTUITION. I honestly can’t say I’ve had a crappy reading in the 18 years since I had my first reading- both professionally or by friends. For me, the one golden rule of tarot is: Translation.

Being that I got my undergrad degree in Spanish Lit, and that I am a Gemini, it is hard for me to digress from this issue. I always tell people that we all have our own personal sacred language with the One that includes one, all, or a combination of clairsentience, clairaudience and clairvoyance. If you’re not sure what these terms mean, here are some crude definitions:

However, I highly recommend Doreen Virtue’s Divine Guidance to explore these concepts at their basic level.

Anyway, Tarot Readers do their best to take the messages they receive and translate from Senora Tarot Reader’s language to **starwoman215’s** language, and we may not have the same meaning attached to an image, feeling, sound etc. For example, she might receive a message about “peanuts” and think it means a small amount, while for me it’s “The Peanuts” as in Charlie Brown. Therefore, I believe it is essential to know your sacred language and how it works!! Otherwise, you might spend a lot of time focusing on a misinterpreted piece of information.


So... if you don’t have access to any physical decks, I’m pretty sure some of the links above allow you to do a one card spread. However, I recently encountered a GREAT online divination site: www.toddhershey.com. You can do a quick one-card reading—from a choice of 4 decks—and the cards are BEAUTIFUL. I actually had a chance to try a 10-card spread, and it was super-awesome-o;)

I hope this information is... well, informative!
Keep the inner PEACE & LOVE alive and kickin! No one can take that from you;)
If you have any suggestions, PLEASE SHARE!

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