Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Entering The Fifth Dimension Now

Good day fellow Light Beings!
It just so happens that during Mercury Retrogrades I am always called back to learning about Astrology and ways to cultivate Self Awareness. It’s like my Astrology Brain was made specifically for these 3-week-four-times a year periods. It’s amazing how much info I can gobble up during a Mercury Retrograde. Anyway, through my internet travels, I recently found this random piece of writing that makes me feel calm and blessed to be on Earth at this Time (plus the music is super stony). It’s called ENTERING THE FIFTH DIMENSION NOW: http://clevelandohiousa.tripod.com/entering/
One of the ideas that really struck me is the concept of Ego Evolution vs. Ascension Consciousness. Although I am firmly grounded in Ego Evolution I am also personally committed to Ascension Consciousness. If you’re not sure what this means, check out the article. It got me thinking that perhaps I should change the name of this blog to reflect this broader (and as I see it, more important concept), but then I figured: Just like Bob, in the movie What About Bob, I should take baby steps to the door, through the door, and to the Other Side!
Looking forward to hearing comments on the article.
In Peace,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Intro to Astrology

Hello to All those Galactic Minded Freqs out there!

It’s 2010 and I’ve been putting off throwing my opinion out into the Ether for oh... I don’t know, about 12 years now. There’s just so much I have to say, few that are receptive and well, come on, look how many people are throwing up their opinions all over the place: I can barely keep me head on straight (said with Irish accent please).

So, I decided, what the heck, let’s start with my interests—something that makes me feel at home and semi-comfy: Astrology.

I’ve been studying and applying the tools of Astrology to my Hue-man Evolution since the 3rd grade: Let’s just say that’s a nice chunk of my Earth existence;) Back then, I would always think, “One day I’ll learn to cast charts, one day I’ll understand all of these alignments and measurements.” Well, many moons later, I have yet to become an expert on the Science, but the process and it’s applicability to Life continue to amaze me and the tools for Evolution are just downright helpful.

For years, I worked in a popular nightclub, and I would always find someone sidling up to me with “Psst, I heard you got Johnny his Astrology chart. Can you get me mine?” I would consent, and then the exchange of the oh holy birth information would occur, usually on a cocktail napkin or an unused food ticket.

From about 1996-2003 I use to get free charts from this awesome site: http://www.astrology3d.com However they changed some stuff around, started to charge, and my login information got lost along the way. Touché- there are a million different sites out there. But, this one was the best as they gave you (for free) a pretty great basic reading of major aspects in one’s chart (usually 4-5 pages). I think they still do this (it’s slightly tricky, you have to scroll down the drop boxes for “free report” and “with labels”), but it requires a login and such.

So anyway, I use to go to the site, input the info, print it out, look at it, oh so briefly (who wants to know THAT much about their co-workers?!?) and pass it on. Well, wouldn’t ya know, pretty much EVERYONE (and I got them for about 10-15 people) at some point would come up and be like, “Oh snap, that is SOOO me.” Male, female, whatever.

Now, I remember when I first got my chart from them in 1996 I was on the fence (could be the Gemini Sun in me): Half of me said the same thing, the other half said, “Hold up, wait a minute that ain’t got no me in it!” But of course, years later I would realize that the parts that “weren’t me” were things I didn’t want to see at the time: Go figure.

Hence, why I really love Astrology and want to create this dialogue about its applicability as an Evolutionary tool. It’s helped and keeps helping me—maybe it will help you too.

Spread Peace and Love on the daily- it’s a start.